Anna Espías



Specialization in Private Spanish Law (civil, commercial and mortgage law):

Preparation for the Competitive Public Examination for Property Registrars (Oposición al Cuerpo de Aspirantes a Registradores de la Propiedad Mercantiles y de Bienes Muebles), one of the most demanding competitive public examinations in the Spanish legal field, having passed three times the oral exercise on civil and commercial matters. Preparation for this examination is intense (requiring full commitment of mind, body, soul and time) and provides a deep and solid knowledge of Spanish private law.

Law Degree and Masters in Law:

Law Degree and Masters in Law from the Law Faculty of ESADE Business School (Escuela Superior de Administración y Dirección de Empresas, Universidad Ramon Llull) in Barcelona, specializing in International Law (2002).

Additional training through specialized legal studies abroad:

  • Certificate of the London School of Economics and Political Science: Introduction to English Law Course.
  • Attestation de l´Université Stendhal, Grenoble: Cours Intensif de Français Specialisé en Droit.
  • Certificat de Français Juridique de la Chambre de Commerce et d´Industrie de Paris.
  • Erasmus Program at l´Université Robert Schuman, Estrasbourg, Attestation Etudes Juridiques.

American High School Diploma and  Spanish Baccalaureate (Bachillerato español):

Primary, middle and high school studies at the Benjamin Franklin International School of Barcelona.

International activities abroad during school years: (such as The Hague International Model United Nations, The Close Up Foundation Government Studies Program in Washington D.C, L´Institut de Tourraine, in Tours, France), developing a well-rounded, global and open minded character.



Native language


Level C


American High School Diploma, TOEFL and Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English 


DELF, DALF and Certificat d´Etudes Françaises.

Laurentino Martí. Bar Association Facade. Barcelona, 1998. Watercolor.