Civil law
Legal advice on Spanish ius commune, regional law and private international law focusing on the following subjects:
- Agreements to agree
- Option contracts
- Assignment of contracts
- General and special purchase agreements (including works of art, which are subject to their own specific legislation)
- Swaps
- Lease agreements
- Mandate agreements
- Loans
- Sureties
- Mortgages, pledges and antichresis
- Donations
Property and Land Registry Law
- New construction
- Correction of surfaces or boundaries
- Grouping, segregation, aggregation and division of estates
- Estate registration (in land registry)
- Constitution of horizontal property
- Configuration of buildings and garages
- Usufruct of real estate property, surface rights, overbuilding and underbuilding rights
- Real estate contracts (rustic and urban properties): purchases, swaps, leases, timeshare properties, donations, etc.
- Mortgages (all types)
Inheritance upon death
- Testaments (wills): appointment of heirs and legatees, etc.
- Legitimate shares, disinheritance and preterition
- Intestate succession
- Acceptance and relinquishment of inheritance rights
- Inheritance distribution
- Contractual inheritance: in those autonomous regions of Spain where the legislation accepts this legal concept (Catalonia, Aragon, Navarra, Basque Country, Galicia and Balearic Islands)
- Special succession (nobility ranks)